Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting (SECR)
In addition to the ESOS requirement, larger organisations now need to submit with their annual directors’ report, their annual energy consumptions.
Your company qualifies for this new reporting for any period beginning on or after the 1st April 2019. Your company is classified legally as a large organisation if any of the two criteria are met:
- 250 employees or more,
- Turnover of £36m or more,
- Balance sheet assets of £18m or more.
If your businesses energy usage is 40MWh or less over the reporting period, you are exempt, but you will need to include a statement confirming your energy usage. Public sector organisations are also exempt.

As registered Energy Assessors and CIBSE ESOS Lead Assessors, we have the knowledge and capability to assist you with this reporting.
We can conduct a full Energy and Carbon Assessment of your business which then can be incorporated into your annual directors’ report.
The final SECR document will include the below as a minimum standard:
- Your annual energy use in kWh (incl. gas, electricity, and transport fuel and associated GHG in CO2e).
- An emissions intensity ratio.
- Methodologies used to calculate the various energy forms.
- A recommendations report on how energy & CO2 can be reduced.
- The previous year’s energy figures need to be disclosed for comparison (this is not mandatory in the first year).